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The Jean Monnet Module “EU Integration of Western Balkans: Patterns and Issues” (WB-EUPath Module) is led by EPOKA University and funded by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus + Programme.

The WB-EUPath Jean Monnet Modul is implemented within the framework of the Master and Bachelor programs in “Political Science and International Relations” at the Department for Political Science and International Relations, coordinated by the Center for European Studies at EPOKA University and supported by external experts. It integrates innovative and interactive teaching methods, blended learning and open educational resource (OER) material.

The focus of WB-EUPath module on spreading knowledge on EU integration contributes to the Jean Monnet Action in four aspects:

The proposed WB-EUPath Jean Monnet Module consists of the following complementary activities:

One new course “EU Integration and Transformation of Western Balkans”.
One new course “History of European Integration”
One revised and updated course “Political Integration and the European Union”.
One WB-EUPath MOOC “A comparative perspective on EU Integration of Western Balkans”.
Six Graduate Seminars involving policymakers, civil society representatives and scholars
International Conference on European Studies “EU Integration of Western Balkans: Dynamics and Challenges”
Two 1-day WB-EUPath Graduate Workshop for graduate students and early-stage researchers.
One 2-day Study Visit to EU Institutions in Brussels.
One textbook on “EU Integration of Western Balkans: Patterns and Issues”.
One Practical Guide on “Western Balkans Path to EU”
Three Public Panels on “EU Integration of Western Balkans Challenges and Perspectives”
Three awareness seminars at partner institutions.
Target Groups

Hence, in order to achieve its objectives, the proposed module through the set of planned activities aims to reaches the following priority target groups:

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